
giovedì, agosto 10, 2006

The pool table came home today. It will live a happy useful life here. It was very heavy. Jeff is a king and more for helping me move that thing. Declan helped too, but in a different in-the-way. He will be the best pool player in Kindergarten.

martedì, agosto 08, 2006

Went kayaking today. Got to see two kids, about 10 and 7, almost drown in the rapids their family was swimming in. I can't see why people play in that water with no PFDs. And worse, no supervision for their kids.

The older boy went to the hospital. I think he was in shock. He was fighting pretty hard and the younger one was pushing him back down into the water.

martedì, agosto 01, 2006

It's all about the data. Information is everywhere, but what can you do with it? There is too much to sort through. How to sort the data. What other things are there a lot of that we needed to keep track of? Have we already solved this problem and don't know it?

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