
domenica, gennaio 27, 2008

New Spam Trend 

I mentioned a while back how I was a little disappointed that I no longer got the "Cum look at porn" spam and was only getting the "Big Pharma-Invest in this stock" spam.


So now it has happened again. Apparently I am no longer on the flacid medicated money grubber list, I am now on the "Men with tiny weenies and sad wives" list.

Again, I'm not sure how to take this. At least before they thought I was wealthy and contributing to society. Now they think I am just sitting at home with my small penis, wishing I could satisfy my frustrated wife.

Is there an established structure for progressing through these stages? Some marketing guru creates an algorithm stating, "If he doesn't respond to porn in 10,000 tries, he's greedy. If he doesn't respond to greed in 10,000 tries, he has a small member."

What's next? "Nope. No replies on small penis ads, he must collect die-cast miniatures of political candidates. What a sicko. Send the next wave of messages." I wonder how long until I get messages about those painted collectors plates? How can I get back in the good graces of the amateur porn industry?

giovedì, gennaio 24, 2008

Day 1 

Today is the first full day of me being a Bloggie Finalist's man. I can't begin to express how excited and proud I am for my wife. It seems like only a few months ago she decided to start this blogging thing, and now, she could be winning awards.

Amazing. I am honored to be involved even in a minor way . *proud sigh, gazing at horizon*

mercoledì, gennaio 23, 2008

Super Honey 

Exciting News dedicated fans! My other half, a super blogger of extreme superness has been nominated for "Best Kept Secret" Bloggie Awards!


I can't tell you where her blog is or anything because our blog worlds are separate, but I am really excited for her! It is a HUGE honor to get nominated! Here's hoping she wins it all!

Love you Aim!

giovedì, gennaio 10, 2008

DeLurker Day 

All right everyone. I know you are out there. I can hear you breathing. Reading all my thoughts. Watching all I do.

But January 10th is special. It is DeLurker Day. World wide. International even.

Show yourselves my curious friends. Don't be a stranger, let me know you are there. And just to make it special, there is a really cool badge that is somehow involved. Not exactly sure who gets the badge, but it is there.

Touch someone. DeLurk. Feel good.

martedì, gennaio 01, 2008

The New Year 

It is here. We tried to stop it, but it came anyway. So, how about a few things to strive for this time around, eh? In no particular order:

1. Figure out how to sleep. This has been a problem for a long time. I need to fix it. Actually this one is the most important.

2. Maya 3D king. That is what I will be known as by the end of the year. Modeling, texturing, and animation in Maya.

3. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Climbing, elliptical, kayaking, whatever.

4. Eat more salads. I like salads. This shouldn't be to hard.

5. Try to have a date night each month with Aimee.

6. Make home desk comfortable.

7. Grow a good garden that actually produces food.

8. Hike and camp several times this year. Take Declan out camping.

9. Have more fun with Jeff.

10. Read more.

11. Don't waste time futzing on the internet (this blog doesn't count as futzing.) This one alone should free up enough time to do all the others.

12. Travel around in Colorado somewhere. We live in an amazing state. We should see it.

13. Keep a good attitude and don't get bogged down by all the crud that seems to crop up. None of it matters, get past it.

This should get me started. I'll probably add more as I think of them, but it is time to go read and spend time with my son.

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